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( 02164 ) – 271462
Choice Code : 601637210

Department Of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Government Polytechnic, Karad

Department Of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering



Sr. NoName of the Laboratory Name of the Important equipment (costing more than Rs. 30,000)
1L1 (Electronics Workshop) -
2L2 (Advanced Communication)Digital storage oscilloscope, Colour TV trainer, Mobile Phone Trainer, Audio Visual Lab set up, Microwave test bench, Dual Channel dual trace oscilloscope, satellite communication trainer
3L3(Power Electronics Laboratory DC Dual Power supply, CRO, controlled rectifier using SCR
4L4 (Communication))Frequency modulation/demodulation Model ST2203, Transmission line Trainer, Hi-FI amplifier, QPSK modulation/demodulation, Antenna trainer
5L5 (W/S & Measurement Laboratory)DC power supply, LCQ meter, Oscilloscope demonstrator trainer
6L6 (Digital and microprocessor laboratory)Microcontroller trainer, Microprocessor 8085, Digital storage oscilloscope, microprocessor 8086, Digital IC tester, DC power supply
7Computer LabComputers, Universal EPROM, DLP Projector, Mid range computer, Intel Quad core, Lenovo Laptop, Labview software, PCB Design software, Schematic capture software, Virtual instrument suite, Multifunction lazerprinter, Desktop computer.
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