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Choice Code : 601637210

Department Of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Government Polytechnic, Karad

Department Of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering


MoU's Signed Memorandum of Understanding

The Memorandum of understanding (MoU) is agreement of understanding between two parties to satisfy the interest of each other.

Department identifies the gap of skills and technology using by industry and what is taught and trained. Such updating of students can be done by the industries. Industries also in the need of expert faculty, laboratory equipment to use and consultancy projects to get done of their interest.  In order to fill such two way gap, department and industry, make the agreement upon to satisfying individual interest.

Sr. NoName of OrganizationYear of MoU SignedValidity of MoULevel
1Saitronics Pvt Ltd. Karad2021Valid
2Prolific Systems and Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Pune2021Valid
3Aptron Technology, Satara2022Valid
4Shri Joglekar, SangliIn-process-

Ranjit Yewale, Satara

InfinityX Pvt. Ltd. Baner, Pune (Shri. Ashwin Sawant)


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